Banner image with different screens tilted sideways displaying Foodiex food delivery screens.

The FoodieX Design Challenge


As part of Xtern, a company based in Indianapolis, I had the opportunity to submit a design deliverable for a challenge in order to be potentially matched with an employer. The challenge was to design screens for a food delivery service called "The FoodieX" as well as create a user persona and scenarios.


November 2020 (1 week)


Visual Design

The Problem

Xtern, a company based in Indianapolis, Indiana is starting up a food delivery service for interns located in Indianapolis. Create two user stories as well as a persona and four screens that showcase the food checkout process once a user has placed an order.

The Solution

Through competitor research and research about Xtern, I created a persona, two user stories with acceptance criteria as well as developed screens with confirmation after placing a food delivery order on desktop.

Image of two laptops (macbook pros) displayed side by side with foodiex UI screens on their screens.


I spent the beginning portion of the design challenge doing market research on different potential competitors such as Uber Eats, Doordash, and Grubhub. I found best practices as well as commonalities, and crafted my user persona and stories around the persona and different situations to better ideate for the screens.

User Persona

Image of a user persona of a user named Samantha on the Foodiex page with a story, needs, goals, wants, and fears.

Ideation Sketches

Prototype and Takeaways

Since this was a fast paced 1 week design challenge, I made sure to not spend more than 10 hours on this project. Creating the sketches first and marking down important acceptance criteria helped streamline the process and made me more confident when creating the screens for the deliverable, which I definitely will do going forward.

A picture of user stories and acceptance criteria for the foodiex.
An image of three different foodiex screens displaying different food screens in the process. UI.